
WaterWayPoint ToyOutPost

83 Punggol Central, #B2-12, Singapore 828761

Nearest Mrt Station = Punggol

Buses = 3,34,43,50,62,82,83,84,85,119 and 136

CauseWayPoint Hako

1 Woodlands Square, Singapore 738099

Nearest Mrt Station = Woodlands

Buses = 963R,169,178,187,856,858,900A,900 and 90

AngMoKioHub Hako

53 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, Singapore 569933

Nearest Mrt Station = AngMoKio

Buses =86,130,133,135,138,166,261,262,265 and 269

NorthPoint ToyOutPost

Northpoint Shopping Centre #03-29/30, 930 Yishun Ave 2, 769098

Nearest Mrt Station = Yishun

Buses = 39,103